In 2022 it finally takes place again: Freifunk is supporting BattleMesh again this year. After the Wireless Community Weekend in Weimar, this is the second event this year that deals with mesh networks.
BattleMesh v14
The BattleMesh is an event that brings together people from all over the world who are interested in building community networks. This includes WLAN networks, fiber optic infrastructure and cooperatively run internet providers. More generally, it’s about how to start and sustain communities that are involved in building their own networks.
We expect 4 days of talks, practical workshops, late-night hack sessions, and fruitful discussions. Come along if you are interested in mesh networking, if you are active in community networks, if you are a protocol developer or if you are interested in networking in general. Afterward, there is the possibility to visit the RomeHack Camp.
This year’s Battlemesh will take place from 19 to 22 September 2022 at Fusolab in Rome. There are organizers on site. Regular updates and new information can be found at
Please get in touch if you need assistance with travel costs.
Wireless Community Weekend 2022
From 27 to 29 May the Wireless Community Weekend took place in Weimar. For the first time, not at the c-base in Berlin, but at the M18. The WCW was organised by the Weimarnetz and the Maschinenraum Weimar.
A total of almost 30 participants were welcomed. On-site, there was the usual picture: people sat together, alternately looking into their laptops and at the hardware that did not yet have perfect OpenWRT support. Of course, there was also a barbecue, which burned often enough.
On all 3 days, there were lectures and workshops with sometimes lively and lengthy discussions. The lectures on Saturday were recorded and are already published in our media library.
These pictures show a few impressions: