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BattleMesh v17 – endorsed by freifunk

The BattleMesh is a non-commercial, volunteer-organized annual convention that has brought together communities for years. It features a rich program of talks and workshops addressing both technical and political aspects of mesh networking, wireless community networks, and OpenWrt firmware development. At its heart, the event aims to further the discussion on the right to connectivity, community-owned infrastructure, and the advancement of free open source projects.

Logo for battlemesh v17, shows the central building of Sundhausen, together with 2 radio towers, and the dates of the event.

What Makes BattleMesh v17 special?

  • Collaborative Spirit: BattleMesh is a joint effort where various wireless network communities come together, each contributing to and co-hosting the event.
  • Unique Venue: This year, the event is set in Sundhausen, a small village in Thuringia, Germany, celebrated for its extensive mesh network and robust fibre connections. Attendees will even have the opportunity to experience camping in a truly connected community.
  • OpenWrt Summit Co-Hosted: In addition to the main program, the co-hosted OpenWrt Summit (13–15 June 2025) highlights cutting-edge discussions and technical sessions that resonate with the technical audience.
  • Call for Proposals (CfP): We invite you to help shape the event. The CfP encourages proposals for workshops, talks, or panel discussions on topics like:
    • Wireless Community Networks
    • Community networks deploying Fiber-to-the-Home (FTTH)
    • Free hardware and software for community networks
    • Organizing durable community structures and engaging non-technical people
    • Connecting rural areas and exploring innovative applications
    • Building common infrastructures such as local Internet Exchange Points (IXPs) or DNS services
    • And even pioneering topics like Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) testbeds

For more details, check out the BattleMesh v17 website and add yourself to the participants list here.

Join Us in Spreading the Spirit of Community Networking

We wholeheartedly endorse BattleMesh v17 as an event for sharing knowledge, forging new collaborations, and pushing the boundaries of community-based network infrastructure. We encourage all organizations within the wireless network community to support, participate in, and promote this vibrant convention.

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freifunk endorses Battlemesh v9

battlemeshv9The “Wireless Battle of the Mesh” is an event that aims to bring together people from across the globe to test the performance of different routing protocols for ad-hoc networks, like Babel, B.A.T.M.A.N, BMX, OLSR, and 802.11s.

Many developers and community networkers will join the event to hack, test, discuss, explain and learn.

If you are interested in dynamic routing protocols or wireless community networks you can’t miss this event!

The battlemesh is free of charge and open for all, every year we strive to keep participation costs low by negotiating deals for accommodation and food. This year the event will take place from Sunday 1st to Saturday 7th of May 2016 in Porto, Portugal. The event is locally organized by INESC TEC, Porto, Portugal. INESC TEC stands for Institute for Systems and Computer Engineering, Technology and Science and is a private non-profit research & development institute located on the campus of the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto (Portugal).

The Wireless Community Weekend 2016 is following this event directly and takes place from  6th to 8th May at the c-base in Berlin. endorses and supports the Battle of the Mesh v9 because of the efforts made by its community to improve OpenWRT, wifi tools and modern dynamic routing protocols.

freifunk will support the event by sending some developers to the event to help setting up the testbed, documenting results and running tests.

Many other communities endorse and support the Wireless Battle of The Mesh v9 and an up to date list of the endorsers of the Battlemesh v9 can be found at the main Battlemesh website.

If you are interested in coming join the event’s Mailing List to stay up to date with the latest news.

This post is also available in: German